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How Often Should a School Be Cleaned?

It is time for a heated discussion! In today’s article, we are going to be discussing how often a school should be cleaned. We know that everybody is going to have their own different opinion, so, we are here to give our two pence on the subject and give you the real professional answers. If there is anything you should take away from the team here at Aspin FM, it is that we are honest, trustworthy, and put 100% into everything we do. So, if you want a real, professional answer on the matter, keep on reading!

To put the answer in its simplest terms, you should be cleaning a school every single day. Although this may sound excessive, let us explain why. Cleaning a school every day helps create a clean and healthy environment for students to thrive in. Cleaning every day will help reduce the spread of germs and illnesses, as well as improve productivity and focus throughout the school. This can enhance students’ learning experiences. When we say cleaning every day, we do not mean cleaning the whole school from top to bottom, we just mean focusing on the high-traffic areas. Everyday cleans should consist of disinfecting all high-touch areas, sweeping and mopping all floors, sanitising common areas, and vacuuming carpets.

However, when it comes to deep cleanings, that is a whole different story. We recommend getting a full, deep clean every half term. This will ensure all the pesky buildup of bacteria and germs that you have missed during your daily cleans will be completely eradicated. A deep clean also pays extra attention to things you may have missed during a daily clean. These include dusting surfaces, cleaning windows and other glass surfaces, cleaning out ventilation systems, and disinfecting all equipment. This means when students and teachers arrive back after half term, the school is at the highest possible level of cleanliness and hygiene for them to all thrive in. Remember that the more you clean a school, the more protected the individuals inside will be from any type of virus or bacterial harm.

For more information about our school deep cleaning services, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the team here at Aspin FM today.

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